Definition of House organ

1. Noun. A periodical published by a business firm for its employees and customers.

Generic synonyms: Organ

Definition of House organ

1. Noun. a privately published magazine or newspaper, generally for the employees of a company and visitors ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of House Organ

house music
house number
house numbers
house of God
house of accommodation
house of cards
house of correction
house of detention
house of ill repute
house of prayer
house of worship
house officer
house organ
house organs
house paint
house painter
house painting
house parties
house party
house physician
house plant
house plants
house points
house poor
house proud
house rat
house rats

Literary usage of House organ

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by H.W. Wilson Company (1913)
"Getting work out on time: a time-table and layout plan of house organ and catalog editing. HS Hince. 11. System. 24: 647-9. D. '13. Periodicity. ..."

2. Publishers Weekly by Publishers' Board of Trade (U.S.), Book Trade Association of Philadelphia, American Book Trade Union, Am. Book Trade Association, R.R. Bowker Company (1912)
"A half-tone was made from the photograph and this was reproduced in the Grosset & Dunlap's house organ, in connection with an article describing the window ..."

3. Effective House Organs: The Principles and Practice of Editing and by Robert E. Ramsay, ( (1920)
"One we read of recently is NOT a house organ. They merely get out a few sheets in "bulletin" form as occasion demands. An investigation brings to light the ..."

4. Effective House Organs: The Principles and Practice of Editing and by Robert E. Ramsay (1920)
"Yet every house organ must have a start. Some of them have been subtle in their ... No prescribed form of "selling" the house organ idea to the house can be ..."

5. Advertising, Its Principles and Practice by Harry Tipper (1919)
"of the house organ will depend upon the frankness with which this attitude ... To attempt to cover this propaganda necessity by giving the house organ the ..."

6. Modern Salesmanagement: A Practical Handbook and Guide by Justus George Frederick (1919)
"House-Organ for Stimulating Dealers.—If it were not more or less '' done to ... The value of a house organ lies in establishing a line of communication to ..."

7. Bulletin by School of Mines and Metallurgy, University of Missouri (1920)
"THE house organ Chapter 14. The house organ, contrary to the expectation of the ... The purpose of the house organ is to acquaint the members of the concern ..."

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